Indoor Cat Door, Small Pet Door, Four Way Locking Door, Interior

Indoor Cat Door, Small Pet Door, Four Way Locking Door, Interior

Indoor Cat Door, Small Pet Door, Four Way Locking Door, Interior

Preis: 24,89 €

Versatile Four-Way Locking System: The indoor cat door features a versatile four-way locking mechanism that allows you to control your pet’s access. Choose from options to keep the door fully locked, allow entry only, allow exit only, or completely unlocked for unrestricted access, catering to your needs.
Weatherproof and Durable Design: Crafted from high-quality, weather-resistant materials, this pet door is built to withstand everyday use while maintaining its functionality. The robust construction ensures that it can handle the wear and tear of active pets, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.
Easy Installation Process: The indoor cat door comes with a straightforward installation guide and all necessary hardware. With just a few simple tools, you can effortlessly mount the door into your wall or door frame, providing your pet with immediate access to their designated areas.
Pet-Friendly Design: Designed with your pet’s comfort in mind, this cat door features a smooth, rounded edge and quiet , ensuring that it won’t startle or harm your furry friend. The low threshold allows for easy access for cats of all sizes, including kittens and senior pets.
Enhanced Home Aesthetics: Available in a variety of colors and finishes, this indoor cat door not only serves a functional purpose but also adds a stylish touch to your home decor. Its sleek design blends seamlessly with your interior, ensuring your living space visually appealing while accommodating your pets.

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